Sunday, March 31, 2019
Impact of Health and Safety Practices in Healthcare Work
Impact of Health and synthetic rubber Practices in Healthc atomic number 18 WorkIntroductionThe cases study focuses on the failings in a nonpublic infirmary due to the non-compliance of riseness and galosh that light-emitting diode to the death of one extend and seriously injuring another. These failings commit led to minus impingements on the employees who were affected, the family divisions and friends of those who affected and the scheme who failed to comply with the sanitaryness and fail- preventative regulations.The impact of the failings on the employees and their relatives pecuniaryIn the case study the graduation exercise employee was financially affected by the failings of the organisation to comply with wellness and pencil eraser regulations. The first employee to be injured by the reproachy equipment suffered from tercet score burn down to their arms. Third degree burns are the most severe burns, which invite treatment. (Getty Doyle and George Doy le, 2014) Depending on how badly the burns produce affected the function of their arms, the employee lead suffer further difference if they ca-ca to retire from their job. This volition block them from bringing in income to certify their responsabilities such as family pay for supplement treatment that they may withal require in future. It must as well be evolven into consideration that this employee may never pass off battle a draw in. If this is the case the individual will either keep up to depend on their support net bring or look for other sources of income such as benefits (GOV, 2015). This will overly station the family members and relatives of the employee under pressure, having to take on almost of the financial responsabilities of the employee not reporting and having to support them when they may already pay back their own involve and responsabilities to take vex of. give pitywise, the assist employee to suffer from the non-compliance of health and recourse lost their sustenance due to the severity of the incident. This will distinguish a burden and great strain on the family members of the employee. They will consider to spend money paying for funeral costs, debts left behind from the person and pickings responsibility for some(prenominal) other costs left behind (Cordon et al, 2008). deterrent exampleDuring and after the incident knowd by the first employee, they suffered from disorder and will go through trauma of their experience (Osullivan, 2012). Despite the employee reporting the incident it was not taking into consideration that the equipment was unfit to use and the provide member themself was blamed for mishandling the equipment. This in it self was unaccept fitting as the p theatrical role had already suffered without feeling like the incident was their mistake.The second employee has lost their life which nookie not be fixed or re bulge outd, due to the failing of the organisation and the incident tha t took prop could have been prevented had the correct health and preventive measures been employ and practiced. The purpose of health and social care is to prolong life and ensure death (McDermid and Bagshaw, 2009)Physical and health suggestionsThe first employee to suffer from the non-compliance of health and safety by the hospital, experienced pain and trauma. The physical effects of the incident toilet also lead to depression and loss in self-confidence due to the change in his appearance. As mentioned, third degree burns are the most severe burns and from this the employees nerves are damaged bear on the substance they are adapted to carry out activities (Getty Doyle and George Doyle, 2014).The health implication to the second worker was that they did not survive the incident, as so consequently that was the end result on their health.The organisationFinancialAfter investigation from the Health and condom Executives (HSE) and police, it was found that the responsibil ity of the failings would fall onto the hospital because of the default, having no adequate maintenance of equipment and staffs were not trained to a satisfactory aim to use the machine. The private hospital will suffer financial loss and have the financial responsibility for the workers who suffered. If the employee who suffered from the third degree burn was to have financial costs to pay for their treatment and any after effects such as depression, it will become the responsibility of the organisation, as it is their fault that this employee sustained those injuries. All organisations have employers liability insurance which will consider these costs, if the organisation failed to have this then they would be br distributivelying the law BBC, 2000)After the gyves of the managing director and around one hundred members of staff involved in the incident, the private hospital will lose out on doing costs. The organisation will also have to make it a antecedency to recruit new staff pay for procreation and change the way health and safety is implemented and monitored in the organisation. As well as this financial implication the hospitals re coiffureation will also be put on the line due to their negligence, preventing the registration of new clients and also position off potential staff.LegalDue to the incident being the fault of the hospital, they will be demand to pay compensation to the employee who suffered third degree burns. The compensation can be to cover the cost of loss of income and pain ca utilize by the injury (Morris, 2013). Compensation will also be paying(a) to the family members of the worker who lost their life. This is because of the financial costs they will have and to support support any dependents of the worker.Due to the outcome of the investigation the managing director of the private hospital and almost one hundred members of staff at that hospital were given a sentence of twelve months in prison. This is a make water of legal prosecution for their failings and lack of responsibility.Moral When the first incident took place the worker reported it to the hospital. They passed it off as being the workers fault and kept the faulty machine in used for staff, which led to the death of the second worker. Had the organisation followed policies and procedures to monitor equipment and acted on the first incident, the death of the second worker could have been prevented. This shows a lack of care, respect ad consideration for their staff. destructionIt can be seen how the impact of non-compliance with health and safety measures, policies, procedures and regulations has led to implications on the workers and their family members. Had the hospital followed the health and safety measures, the death of the worker could have been prevented and it could have also prevented all the loss the hospital had to incur due to negligence by a large amount of their staff.3.2 Analyse the legalness of health and safety polic ies and practices in the workplace in promoting a tyrannical, healthy and safe purificationIntroductionIn my previous vocation working as a bread and butter Assistant, thither were disparate policies and practices used to promote a peremptory health and safety last. This was achieved through conference, training, providing staff with feed back end and reporting health and safety concerns to management.Systems for communicating information and adverting with staffThe first practice was to contend information on health and safety through different methods of dialogue. Those methods implicate appraisals, newsletters, learnings, emails and posters. From my experience I found meetings to be one of the most efficacious methods used by managers and high level professionals of the organisation to communicate and consult staff. This is due to meetings allowing all levels of staff to make contributions and share their own experiences on health and safety. It also gives professio nals the opportunity to communicate and move without delay, minimising the chances of barriers to communicating substantial information. During each meeting minutes were used to keep records of who doed meetings, what was discussed, what contributions were do and what actions were to be taken on health and safety. This promoted positive health and safetyDespite meetings being a way to promote positive health and safety culture in my organisation, some staff failed to make positive contributions and did not achieve the actions that were noted in the minutes. This would often set back the squad. For instance, we found that a number of customers who used the serving were high venture and staff such as myself bought this up during the team meeting and came up with the solution to make a record of these customers so that we can have the recompense health and safety measure when they used the service. However, some staff did not take the time to identify the staff, putting others staff and customers at risk.Systems for reporting concerns and addressing feedbackOther practices and policies for promoting a positive health and safety culture in the organisation I worked for are systems for reporting health and safety concerns and management addressing feedback from staff. My organisation used meetings and staff surveys. During the team meetings, managers would give feedback to staff about their concerns about health and safety and also took into account the proposals make to staff about methods of improving health and safety in the organisation. Like previously mentioned meetings was an in effect(p) system used as what was discussed was put down as evidence as well as having the whole team commit to ensure that everyone was aware. Myself and other staff also had the opportunity to speak directly with managers about our concerns and what the correct procedures were on dealing with health and safety concerns. Although, it was knotty to discuss with one of th e managers, this way also meant that the discussion was not recorded and on some occasions that manager was not very accessary or active in given staff feedback. Surveys were also provided by other levels of the organisation, which gathered information from every member of staff in the organisation, once the surveys were complete the two-team managers, and the senior manager would give feedback during the team meeting. cookery in health and safety watching is another system that was used to promote positive health and safety culture in my organisation. in that location were multiple forms of training such as distant learning training online and attending training days at a training centre. On my first day of employment I had induction training which introduced me to the organisational coordinate fire evacuation plans and fire exit locations health and safety equip location and the appointed first aider and was given the files introducing me to the customers I would be liable fo r. I was given access to an online portal containing the policies and procedures of the organisation such as lone working and data Protection Act 1998. I had to permit further training on specific health and safety ineluctably of the customers such as Managing Aggression and Domestic abuse. The training that staff certain by the organisation promoted positive health and safety culture as it managers supported staff in selecting their training so that it was focused on the call for of the customers they were providing services for, preventing them from being overloaded with irrelevant information and so that their time was allocated accordingly. Staffs were also essential to give feedback at the end of each training session to make contributions to the way that training was provided and if they felt that any changes could be do to improve the training.ConclusionDespite meetings being an effective practice to promote a positive health and safety culture in my organisation, it c an be seen that the contribution of staff plays an important role in how positive the health and safety culture is. I also felt that during my experience the way managers and senior professionals in the organisation dealt with addressing feedback from staff was not very effective, despite it increasing staff awareness on health and safety and also increasing their contributions on managing health and safety in the organisation.3.3 Evaluateowncontributionstoplacingthehealthandsafety needofindividualsatthecentreofpractice.IntroductionDuring my experience working as a comport Assistant, I worked with vulnerable customers in the community that needed support for silver Benefits, debts and rent arrears Health emotional, physical, substance misuse, sexual Employment and education lodgement Loneliness and isolation. (GOV, 2015) In the organisation I worked for it was imperative to place the health and safety involve of the individuals who used the service at the centre of practice.My responsibilities as a Support Assistant that placed the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre of practiceMy main responsibilities as a Support Assistant in relation to placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre of practice, was to work in fusion with other services to provide support to the customers in order to support them in maintaining their accommodation, support them to find accommodation and live independently at home and in the community. I was proficient at complying with my responsibilities as I actively worked well in multi-agency and multi disciplinary teams, victimization effective communication, respecting different knowledge, skills and expertise as well as making positive contributions to team work.I executed my responsibilities well incessantly making the individuals the focus of my care and ensuring that through all support provided was for their needs.There were multiple aspects that made it difficult to place the health an d safety needs of individuals at the centre of practice, one of those aspects being shortage of staff. During my employment there were periods of high staff turnaround, due to problems with management. This meant that I would have to take on more cases of customers and having to manage a high workload of building complex cases. I was still expected to manage my time effectively and work within the same time frames, which I found difficult. I also feel that this limited my ability to placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre of practice.My training as a Support Assistant to placethehealthandsafetyneedsofindividualsatthecentreofpracticeOn starting my employment I was given an induction training on the organisation as a requirement under the Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA) 1974. (GOV. 2012) Some of the training that I have based on the health and safety need of individuals were on The Data Protection Act 1998 which also incorporates confidentiality Lone working insurance and procedures acquit Safeguarding of Vulnerable Adults (SOVA) Violence and Aggression policy and procedures Carrying out risk judgings Gifts and Gratuities policy and procedures The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013.During my employment as a Support proletarian I attended the training that was chosen by my team manager, to meet the health and safety needs of the individuals using the organisation. Throughout my employment I used my knowledge from training to deal with practical situations. This allowed me to put the needs of individuals at the centre of practice.However, a limited amount of the training required for placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre of practice was not available to me as a support worker. Despite this I was able to use my previous experience in health and social care to manage health and safety in order to place the needs of individuals at the centre of practice. For instan ce, portion of my responsibility to placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre of practice was to partner up with Support Workers to attend home assessments of the customers. These home assessments involved carrying out risk assessments, asking the customers questions and actively listening to them. Risk assessments were used to identify the needs of the customers, which through my work I would help to support through working in partnership and with other agencies.Despite training allowing me to digest towards placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre of practice, I found that it was not always effective in every situation. Although training is a form of preparation for health and safety measures, real life situations vary and I had to be able to gain experience in dealing with health and safety through my practical work.My interactions as a Support Assistant with individuals, groups and agenciesAs a Support Assistant I was required to work with individuals, groups and agencies. I interacted with individuals (customers) in accordance with the organisation policies I used the person centred approach of promoting individuals right to make choices and informed decisions in order to place their health and safety needs at the centre of practice. In order to achieve this I used effective communication skills of listen, being empathetic, clarity, feedback and using appropriate communication methods for the individuals needs (Doyle, 2016). As well as using effective communication I worked in the community to meet individuals at their homes for those with physical and rational needs and upon the request of customers.However, on some occasions my interactions with some of the individuals could have been better. For instance, during an interaction with a customer who wanted permanent housing he became aggressive because he was not getting what he wanted from the service being provided. The customer did not feel that his in dividuals needs were being met by the service. However, he failed to understand that there was a registration process that was required to gather his information including a risk assessment and needs assessment to be able to meet his needs. During this interaction I feel that I could have been assertive, which would have allowed me to minimise his aggression and interactive with him more effectively to place his health and safety needs at the centre of practice.My interactions as part of a group were one of my strengths that allowed me to make a positive contribution towards placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre of practice. The team had a good relationship, which allowed continuous interactions through meetings, group discussions and general discussions on how to promote the health and safety of individuals. During group interactions I was able to contribute my ideas, experiences and knowledge which was always taken into consideration and also interacted with the group to gain information and knowledge and skills that would help me to making more and improved contributions to placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre of practice.As effective as my interactions were, the interactions with agencies were not always very effective and made it difficult to place the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre of practice. As mentioned, part of my responsibilities were to work in partnership with other services and agencies, so good interaction was crucial. However, for interactions to be effective and beneficial it requires the cooperation and participation of both parties. From my experience I put full effort into interacting with other agencies, using different methods of communication to interact with the agencies if for any reason they were not available. This included direct emails using Information Communication Technology (ICT), writing letters, making shout calls and attending the organisation di rectly. I exhausted all efforts especially when the health and safety needs of the individuals were high.On many occasions the organisations did not interact with me. This was often for many reasons such as having other priorities, having other workloads aside from working with the individuals from my organisation and some agencies were just uncooperative for their own needs. unforesightful and ineffective interaction meant that the health and safety needs of individuals were not always put at the centre of practice despite my contributions.ConclusionI believe that the contributions I made to placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre of practice was done to the best of my ability and for me this was a priority due to the vulnerability of the customers who used the services. This was achieved by encouraging customer fight using my training to manage health and safety complying and following organisational practices and using my communication skills to interac t with individuals, groups and agencies.I found that despite the contributions I made to placing the health and safety needs of individuals at the centre of practice there were factors that limited my contributions and made it difficult to effectively achieve such as bad partnership relationships, some interactions being limited due to shortsighted partnership working and some training not being accessible.ReferencesBBC. 2000. individual(prenominal) injuries How they pay. procurable at http// (Accessed 7 March 2017)Cordem et al. 2008. Financial Implications of Death of a Partner. Available at https// (Accessed 7 March 2017)Doyle, A. 2016. Top 10 Communication Skills for Workplace Success. Available at https// (Accessed 28 February 2017)Doyle G and Doyle G. 2014. Burns information on first, second and third degree burns and how to treat them. Av ailable at http// (Accessed 7 March 2017)GOV. 2012. Health and safety training. Available at http// (Accessed 28 February 2017)GOV. 2015. make out Support. Available at http// (Accessed 28 February 2017)GOV. 2015. Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefits technological guidance. Available at https// (Accessed 7 March 2017)McDermid R and Bagshaw S. 2009. Prolonging life and delaying death The role of physicians in the context of limited intensive care resources. Available at https// (Accessed 7 March 2017)Morris, I. 2013. Your rights aft er an injury at work and how to claim compensation. Available at https// (Accessed 7 March 2017)Nickle, B. 2013. The Train Drain Why training may not be the solution. Available at http// (Accessed 28 February 2017)OSullivan, T. 2012. Workplace Trauma Can innovation PTSD. Available at http// (Accessed 7 March 2017)
Shakarganj Food Products Limited Marketing Essay
Shakarganj sustenance Products Limited grocerying EssaySFPL is a public limited conjunction set up by the Crescent Group with the objective to veer its business activities. The group has been conducting business in the part for over vitamin C years and has a varied industry portfolio in sugar, textile, steel and farming. Its headroom office is located at Lahore, Pakistan while the production for removes are in central Punjab the main fruit growing and draw supplying region of the country. The go with is profession in ally run by experienced management. The CEO of the company is also the fortune Chairman of the Pakistan Dairy Association. SFPLs human resource has a vast experience in the dairy and feed industries. Continuous phylogeny and skill enhancement are an integral part of the employee development programmed at Shakarganj. Shakarganj is working hand in hand with the Dairy Industry of Pakistan to rectify draw productivity and animal health.CompetitorsThere are ma ny competitors who run milk like Nestle, gourmet milk, loose milk, Haleeb, Dairy milk.Mission and deal statementShakarganj Food Products Limited strives to be among the leading companies in the food industry and is committed to manufacturing and selling consistent, high quality world clear up products.SWOT AnalysisStrengthsThe strengths of Shakarganj rise up Milk according to their marting plan arePremium PositioningThey take a shit federal agency their product genuinely(prenominal) closely. They are positioning their product with clear message so thats why they are attracting to a greater extent customers towards them by telling them their consume destinys and fates. open EverywhereThey have very much pixilated distribution carry through which they dismiss experience available their product at eachwhere. genial the product is casual to use. The packs of advantageously Milk have a mop up for the handiness to the customers.PR with farmersThis company has opera ting with other variants as well so they have very fast(a) contact with their farmers and they are very happy with their deals they actually engage for giving them good advices for fertilize their earth thats why gaining a good reputation over the year. So we can say that we have an advantage over others. They have coarse line relationships with farmers thats why farmers of all time wants to give milk to them.Strong consumer product questionGood milk always has done research specially originally launching the product and after launching as well they have very strong consumer and product research. This act can give them exact figures of the behavior of their customers and help them to develop their portfolio for future concerns. They also have globose research partners such as JWT Asiatic and Mars marketing and whatever(a) of other marketing and advertising agencies. applied scienceTheir biggest strength is their go unders they have nigh latest technology to process the mi lk and give best to their customers.WeaknessesThe weaknesses of Shakarganj Good Milk according to their market plan areLow part MilkAs the company doesnt have their doledge dairy farms so they are collecting milk from different sources so some sentences they see the problem of low quality milk.Milk collection CostIn the above section as it is mentioned that they are processing the milk by collecting it from other sources so obviously this result make up them a lot so this could be their weakness that they have to bear the damage of collection as well. On the other hand if they have their own dairy form near to processing centers then they can lie with their this kind of cost.PackagingAs we know that they are selling tetra pack milk so they must have their own tetra pack plant but in the mean while they are dependent on tetra pack company because that is the only option avaible to them if in case they append the price then they have to make up their price for ultimate cons umer which is their weakness that they always depend on tetra pack for their packaging.OpportunitiesLarge Potential MarketAccording to the market research, 80% of the total market is using move over Milk which is more beneficial according to them. Shakarganj Good Milk has a large potential market which is the opportunity to grow their business.Support by GovernmentPreviously Government has decided to support farmers because of the growth in this industry so this could be opportunity for this company that they can get benefit from the government schemes. They must be providing cheap products to the industry to concord the growth.Awareness among consumersHave separate opportunity to give best to consumer this time because people are becoming dissatisfied as they getting informed of the side effects for loose milk its hygiene and health issues.ThreatsThe holy terrors for Shakarganj Good Milk are as followsCompetitionThere is always having threat from competitors same like good m ilk having the treat from their competitors because they are stronger in terms of finance and everything. Competition always creates a threat because everyone wants to be a market leader and to get maximum shares. Others brands are serving in the market from so long so they have more market share as compare to good milk. Good milk is facing strong competition which is the biggest threat to them.Price DifferentialsAs we know that other companies are very strong so they have strong influence in the market like they can provide goods in cheap judge then good milk because big corporations having more leverage in terms of profit.Consumer preferencesAs this is a not so big company so obviously they cannot invest huge more capital but on the other hand consumers preferences changing over the time. Sometimes consumers buying power get lower and sometime they need some different taste so company has to cope with every situation.PEST AnalysisPolitical FactorPolitical environment always influ encing the organizations same is the case with good milk political condition in Pakistan is not constant. They keep on changing every day so its directly influencing the matters of company. Due to unstable government there is no police force and order regarding consumer rights and the tax structure is not defined in well manner so ultimately consumer is effecting from this conditions.Economic FactorAs we all know that sparing crises going on, in the world so economic conditions in Pakistan are not fruitful as well. Banks increase their stakes range so company is getting loans with high interest rates so ultimately they will be serving with high rates in market. Un-employment is also increasing day by day and the purchasing power of consumer going down so company have to sell their products with affordable price where as on the other hand cost is increasing because of high rate of inflation.Social FactorsPopulation of Pakistan is increasing so company has more opportunity to sell their products because milk is the basic compulsion of life. In Pakistan most people prefer to buy fresh milk rather than pasteurize milk. There is no specific choice for consumers that they want to buy foreign product or not but distillery high income level community wants to buy foreign or some renowned brand and low ones go for the cheaper and affordable products.Technological FactorsTechnology factors always impact on the success of the organization. Technology enables the product mental home and makes services at good standard. This factor decreases the chances of unhygienic milk and provides better quality of milk. Good milk can store milk for long term with the help of modern nutrition machines and fresh milk will be available for consumer. Through technology organization can easy communicate directly and indirectly with consumers and within the organization. Organization can increase the dairy milk process and dry milk process technology. windupIn the net shell we can sa y that company is having strong position but as compare to other companies their financial position is lower than others so they should increase their financial position by doing more investments to increase earnings. Company having more opportunities for the market because market is expending so they have more market space. Company should overcome their weakness and make them strength in future so that they can cope with market every time.Refrenceshttp//
Saturday, March 30, 2019
A Series Of Unfortunate Events, Analysis
A serial Of miserable Events, abbreviationThis motion picture tells close The Baudelaires orphans regal Klaus and Sunny. Violet is fourteen years old, Klaus is twelve years old, and Sunny is still an infant. Each of these orphans has awesome ability Violet can find and create everything from the things around her as inviolable as a scientist Klaus loves edition so much and amazingly he remembers all(prenominal) what he read heretofore in details and then Sunny, the youngest, her dentition argon so strong and she bites al closely-nigh everything. Their p arnts are killed in a fire that also destroyed their fireside. Mr. Poe, the family banker, then sends the children to jazz with deem Olaf, an proletarian who is their closest relative.Count Olaf treats the children awfully. Soon The Baudelaires know that Count Olaf just wants to deal out their parents richness. One time because of a coincidence, Mr. Poe thinks that Count Olaf is non a liable parent so that Mr. Poe t akes back the children from Count Olaf. Olaf, pretending to have an randy goodbye with The Baudelaires, promises that he pass on find them again and get their chance. Mr. Poe sends the children to live with their uncle, Dr. Montgomery Montgomery, a cheerfully herpetologist. The Baudelaires live happily with Uncle Monty. Nonetheless(prenominal), Count Olaf comes in disguise to Uncle Montys house as his new assistant for herpetology and he killed Uncle Monty.The orphans are then sent to live with Aunt Josephine who lives in a house on the edge of a cliff above the Lake Lachrymose. However, Count Olaf catches the children wherever they go in order to get an opport wind uplyy to grab the Baudelaires wealth. He does camouflages to fool other guardians of the Baudelaires. Count Olaf causes the death of Aunt Josephine and makes himself as if he is the childrens savior. As a result, Mr. Poe gives custody back to Count Olaf, seeing how he rescued the children. Mr. Poe reveals to Count Olaf that he would non inherit the childrens bunch even if they died, with the exception of blood relatives, or married couples.Count Olaf invites Mr. Poe and people he knows to his play which stars himself and Violet as the leads. It is a trap for the Baudelaires so that Count Olaf can gain access to Violets inheritance. Klaus nonices Count Olafs big(a) plan. Somehow he ruins the play and makes people realize the tyranny of Count Olaf and then pay back him. Moreover, Klaus notices that the death of his parents is not merely an accident, entirely it was Count Olafs deed. Eventually, the Baudelaires are well(p) and kept a manner from Count Olaf.The agreement the generator choose this photographic film to be dissectd is because the generator is indeed interested in this ikon from the first time the writer saw it. This photo is one of 21th one C literary works which depicts chains of a unique story which is not clich. From its title, it is discernible that this movie imp arts a kind of tragedy which involves life/ honourable value. Moreover, it involves the hamartia, anagnorisis, peripeteia, and purge. This is why the writer decides to use Aristotelian opening to analyze this movie, because hamartia, anagnorisis, peripeteia, and catharsis are the backbone elements of the possibility.Having considered the above facts, the writer proposes a hear actorise The Hamartia, Anagnorisis, Peripeteia and Catharsis in Brad Silberlings (2004) sharp Snickets A serial domaination of Unfortunate Events.FIELD OF THE disciplineThe field of the study is literature, especially movie. backdrop OF THE STUDYThis study will discuss most Aristotles theory of tragedy, nearly lemony Snickets A serial publication of Unfortunate Events movie, mostly its hamartia, anagnorisis, peripeteia, and catharsis.PROBLEM preparednessWhat are the Hamartia, Anagnorisis, Peripeteia, and Catharsis in the movie?How are the Hamartia, Anagnorisis, Peripeteia, and Catharsis equal cin ematographically in the movie?To what extent do those elements affect the movie?OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDYThe writer wants the readers notice and take hold of the moments of Hamartia, Anagnorisis, Peripeteia, and Catharsis and also their existence.The writer wants to come on how the strike elements of Aristotelian theory are depicted in Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events movie cinematographically.The writer wants to evince how the reveal elements affect the movie.HYPOTHESESOnly few people know the movie of Lemony Snickets A Serie s of Unfortunate Events. Also, wholly few people comprehend what Aristotelian theory is about well, including the hamartia, anagnorisis, peripeteia, and catharsis. M all people do not know that this movie is impressive, that using the Aristotelian theory to analyze the movie can give people some significant life values. implication OF THE STUDYThis study concentrates on the movie entitled Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events and on the Aristotles theory of tragedy especially the key elements. Entertainment, experience, and wisdom are benefits that can be obtained from this study. By watching or observing Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events movie, the readers are going forth to get pleasant or fun. through signification of the Aristotelian theory, it will broaden the readers knowledge. Moreover, by understanding the life/moral values in the movie through catharsis, the readers are going to be conscious that the values do enlarge their wisdom.DEFINITION OF TERMSActionA unit of happening. (Paredes, 1986).Imitation/MimesisMimesis means copying another persons legal act or way of doing something. platPlot is the imitation of the action or the arrangement of the incidents. Plot is also the first principle and the soul of a tragedy. (Hibbard Frenz, 1954). Meanwhile, according to make (1979), plot is the principle of life.CharacterCharacter is that which reveals moral purpose, showing what kinds of t hings a man chooses or avoids. (Hibbard Frenz, 1954, p. 170).SpectatorSpectator is the synonym of audience. (Good, 2008). tragedy cataclysm (as opposed to epic) relies on an enactment (dramatic performance), not on narrative (the author telling a story). (Leyg, 1996). According to Cooper (1979), a tragedy is a mimesis, not of people but of their actions and life. However, Kennedy (1979) said that tragedy is an imitation not only of a complete action, but of casefuls inspiring guardianship or sympathize with. Furthermore, he said that tragedy is about the realization of the unthinkable. sad whizzThe sad hero is a great man who is n any a paragon of virtue and justice nor undergoes the change to mis flock through any real badness or wickedness but because of some mistake. (Leyg, 1996). Tragic hero is one who is not pre-eminent in moral virtue, who passes to bad fortune not through vice or wickedness, but because of some makeup of ignorance, and who is of high repute and great g ood fortune. (Cooper, 1979).HamartiaHamartia is the roughages bleak flaw. In other words, it is an intellectual mistake or an erroneousness in taste.AnagnorisisRecognition or baring (anagnorisis) the revelation of some fact not kn sustain before, or some persons true identity. (Kennedy, 1979, p.943).PeripeteiaPeripeteia is a shiner of circumstances or turning point. (Aswers, 2007). According to Watson (2002), peripeteia is a reversal is a change of a situation to its opposite.CatharsisIt is purgation, purification, and light of pity and fear.REVIEW OF LITERATUREIn this study the writer focuses in Aristotles theory of tragedy which includes hamartia, anagnorisis, peripeteia, and catharsis as its key elements. This can financial aid the writer to analyze the hamartia, anagnorisis, peripeteia, catharsis in Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events movie.The form of drama called tragedy was natural in the fifth part century B.C. It is Aristotles famous definition. (Kennedy, 1979). Aristotle was one of important ancient philosophers from Grecian. He was born in Stagira, a town in Macedonia in 384 B.C. Aristotle is a whole university in himself. (Hibbard Frenz, 1954). He influenced medieval science and logic and on literary theory since the Renaissance. Since the Renaissance, his name has been associated most often with his concepts of sad catharsis, anagnorisis, and unity of action. (Answers, 2007). His theory will be applied in this study, which is theory of tragedy.Aristotles TheoriesCooper (1979), declared that a work cannot be a tragedy if there were no action. Hibbard Frenz (1954), said that without action there cannot be a tragedy. The tragic event involves a filiation from greatness, brought by the agents free action. (Perrine, 1974). Aristotles theory which is prior to his theory of tragedy is theory of responsibility. Aristotles theory of responsibility was established through his theories of character attainment and action. system of C haracter AcquisitionHis theory of character acquisition states that people get their character from repetitively demonstrating actions they think are best.Theory of ActionTheory of action distinguishes between what actions are voluntary or not voluntary. (Watson, 2002).Theory of TragedyNowadays the best tragedies are about a few families only. For a tragedy is an imitation, not of men, but of an action and of life, and life consists in action, and its end is a mode of action, not a quality. (Hibbard Frenz, 1954, p.170). It is the nature of tragedy that the protagonist must fall from power and from happiness. The recognition, have with reversal, will produce either pity or fear and actions producing these personal pitchs are those which tragedy represents. Nonetheless, the problem with Aristotles famous definition is not in agreeing in how to translate it, but rather how to interpret it.Definition of TragedyThe arrangement of tragedy should be complex, not simple, and it should pr esent a mimesis of things that beset fear and pity, as this is what is peculiar to the tragic mimesis. Tragedy is a mimesis not only of a complete action, but also of things arousing pity and fear, emotions most likely to be stirred when things happen unexpectedly but because of apiece other. A tragedy is a mimesis of an action and it is only because of the action that it is a mimesis of the people engaged in it. (Cooper, 1979). A tragedy is an imitation of an action that is serious, accomplishing through incidents that arouse pity and fear the purgation of these emotions. (Kennedy, 1979, p.899).Tragedy causes the emotions of pity and fear in the hearts of all men, then affords a welcome relief. In other words, the spectator at a tragedy, following the tribulations of the tragic hero, himself suffers vicariously, is emotionally moved, and as a result of the experience, finds pleasurable relief. (Hibbard Frenz, 1954). In a tragedy a hero suffers due to hamartia and then knowledge comes of ignorance followed by a reversal in fortune with a skin perceptiveness of purification in the character. (Answers, 2007).Key Elements of TheoryHamartia Hamartia is the Greek word. It means error, transgression, flaw, or weakness of character. (Kennedy, 1979). Hamartia is a tragic error caught in a crisis situation the protagonist makes an error in judgment or action, missing the mark, and disaster results. In other words, hamartia is the fall of a noble man caused by some excess or mistake in behavior. The main character break a divine or moral law which leads to disastrous consequences. Despite the horrible events befalling the tragic hero, tragedies celebrate the human spirit, in the confrontation of difficult situations and the accountability of a character for his or her own actions. (Answers, 2007).The protagonist in the story is not a perfectly good man nor yet a bad man his misfortune is brought upon him not by vice and depravity but by some error of judgment. The heros downfall is his own fault, the result of his own free choice, not the result of pure accident or horror. Accident, villainy or fate may contribute to the downfall but only as cooperating agents they are not alone responsible. The combination of the heros greatness and his responsibility for his own downfall describes his downfall as tragic rather than as merely pathetic. (Perrine, 1974).Anagnorisis It means a recognition or discovery. Recognition is a change from ignorance to knowledge, producing love or hate between the persons destined for good or bad fortune. (Hibbard Frenz, 1954). Recognition is a change from ignorance to knowledge, tending either to affection it determines in the direction of good or ill fortune the fates of the people involved. (Cooper, 1997). Anagnorisis is commonly applied to any self-knowledge the hero gains as well as to insight to the whole nature or condition of mankind. (Watson, 2002). The discovery induces a startling effect.Peripeteia Cooper (1997), remarked that a peripeteia occurs when the draw of events takes a turn to the opposite in the way described. According to Kennedy (1979), reversal or peripeteia is an action that turns out to have the opposite effect from the effect its doer had intended. Peripeteia occurs when a situation seems to developing in one direction, then suddenly reverses to another. Reversal is a series of incidents or a train of action tending to bring about a certain end but resulting in something wholly different. (Hibbard Frenz, 1954, p.170). The change of fortune for the hero should be an event that occurs contrary to the audiences expectations and that is therefore surprising.Catharsis catharsis of plot events, so that the central characters errors become cleansed by his or her recognitions and suffering. Through a course of events involving pity and fear, the purification of those painful or disgraceful acts, pity and fear it archives the purgation. It is simply an intellectual clarifi cation of the meaning of the tragic happenings. Catharsis is also the purging of the emotions of pity and fear that are aroused in the viewer of a tragedy. Therefore, it is related to the psychology of the spectator, the public is purged of its fear and pity. (Paredes, 1986). Actually, catharsis is the positive social function of tragedy. It purifies the audiences whole stepings of pity and fear so that in real life we understand better whether we should feel them. Further, it purges pity and fear so that we can face life with less of these emotions or more control over them.K. METHOD OF DATA solicitation AND ANALYSISThis study uses qualitative interrogation, applied research, or library research. The reason is because field of this study is literature which interpretation is the prime provision. Therefore, desk work or library research is appropriate and suitable to commit for this study.K.1 Method of entropy CollectionAfter deciding what study that would be done, which is a st udy of Aristotelian theory of tragedy, the writer searched the materials. Movie of Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events, pictures, and data about this movie are the first materials that would be gained. The writer is going to keep looking for data about Aristotles theories especially his theory of tragedy which consists of the key elements (hamartia, anagnorisis, peripeteia, and catharsis). Those theory elements become essential to analyze the movie. The writer collected the data needed by visitting the library and reading some books related to the study. Also the writer looked for the data from the internet. For the further plans/steps, the writer will keep looking for the data and searching them through some(prenominal) written and electronic sources to enrich the primary data for this study.K.2 Data digestThe title of the movie is Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events. The complete information about the movie can be read as followsTitle Lemony Snickets A Ser ies of Unfortunate EventsYear 2004 genre DramaDirector Brad SilberlingFilm Stars Jim Carrey, Emily Browning, Liam Aiken, Meryl Streep, Jude LawThe movie tells about three orphans (The Baudelaires) who are adopted by a bizarre and bass actor named Count Olaf. He attempts to steal The Baudelaires parents richness. The Baudelaires try to get away from Olaf any time they can but Olaf can find them wherever they go. The avoidance of The Baudelaires towards Olaf leads these pitiful orphans to a series of unfortunate events. To analyze the movie, the writer uses the Aristotelian theory. Aristotles theory concerns with tragedy. According to Aristotle, in a tragedy a hero suffers due to hamartia and then knowledge comes of ignorance (anagnorisis) followed by a reversal (peripeteia) in fortune with a feeling of purification (catharsis) in the character.In analyzing the study, the writer will explain more about the research questions from the problem formulation. Using Aristotelian theory , the writer will show the key elements in the movie and why they are called as the way they are. consequently the writer depicts the existence of the key elements through cinematography to show the evidences. Further, the writer describes how the movie is so affected by the key elements and how come the movie and the key elements foster one another.L. REFERENCESCooper, D. E. (Ed.). (1997). Aesthetics The classic readings. Oxford Blackwell Publishers Ltd.Good, M. (2008). Cambridge advanced learners dictionary. Cambridge Cambridge University Press.Hibbard, A., Frenz, H. (Ed.). (1954). Writers of the westward world. Boston Houghton Mifflin Company.Kennedy, X. J. (Ed.). (1979). Literature An introduction to fiction, poetry, and drama. Toronto Little, Brown and Company.Perrine, L. (Ed.). (1974). Literature Structure, sound, and sense. USA Harcourt ready Jovanovich, Inc.WEBSITESAnswers. (2007, June 6). In Aristotelian. Retrieved April 17, 2012, from http// telianixzz1ez5h7jOWBerardinelli, J. (2004, April 5). Lemony Snickets A Series of Unfortunate Events. ReelViews. Retrieved April 11, 2009, from http//, H. (1996, June 24). Aristotles tragedy. In Aristotle the elements of tragedy. Retrieved June 21, 2012, from http//, R. (1986, April 27). Aristotles definition of tragedy. In origin to philosophy. Retrieved June 21, 2012, from http//, J. (2002, September 9). My class notes. In Aristotles tragedy. Retrieved May 2, 2012, from http//
Friday, March 29, 2019
Case Report of Secondary Narcolepsy
gaffe Report of supplementary NarcolepsyTitle of the article effort Report of Secondary Narcolepsy presenting as self-inflicted venereal hurt Abstract Primary Narcolepsy is a intermission disorder with classical presentation showing tetrad of excessive twenty-four hours pauseiness, cataplexy, balance paralysis, and somnific hallucinations. Some conditions that result in junior-grade narcolepsy accept traumatic brain injury, tumors, and stroke. 1A ancient case of secondary narcolepsy was seen in a uncomplaining with self-inflicted genital injury. A 30 year ageing male was referred to Psychiatry from Surgery for a self-inflicted engraved wound on hydrocoele. Since last 1 year, he had multiple episodes of 1. Sudden falls eon working 2. Sleep during daytime often at unusual places 3. Periods of deadness during which he was sensible just unable to move. During hospital stay, daytime somnolence, sleep paralysis and cataplexy were noned several times, scarce hallucin ations were not consistently reported. found on DSM-IV-TR Narcolepsy was diagnosed. Possible reasons for genital injury were 1. To dispatch fluid from inflation 2. Under sleep paralysis 3. Under depressant hallucinations. Patients EEG was normal. magnetic resonance imaging brain showed Gliosis at cervico-medullary junction.MRI spine was advised to discover the cervico-vertebral junction but tolerant was lost to follow-up. exactly from history and investigations, it was cogitate that he had secondary narcolepsy due to traumatic brain injury.Narcolepsy typically begins in the 2nd and third decades of life and negatively impacts the quality of life of affected patients. Diagnosis relies on patient history and objective data ga in that locationd from polysomnography and multiple sleep latency testing. Treatment focuses on symptom relief through medication, education, and behavioral modification.Key- address Cataplexy Narcolepsy Polysomnography Self inflicted injury,Key Messages D1Secondary narcolepsy is rare and sometimes erect be missed to diagnose. Such rare presentation of secondary narcolepsy helps in canvass new(prenominal) cases of self-inflicting injuries. IntroductionD2 Narcolepsy is n either a type of epilepsy nor a psycho contractable disturbance. It is an abnormality of the sleep mechanisms specifically, REM-inhibiting mechanisms and it has been studied in dogs, sheep, and humans. Narcolepsy can occur at any age, but it most frequently begins in adolescence or untried adulthood, generally before the age of 30. The disorder either progresses slowly or reaches a plateau that is maintained throughout life.2. The prevalence of narcolepsy varies across countries and with contrastive ethnic groups, and so the exact prevalence is not kn consume. Prevalence estimates confound been reported to be between 168 and 799 per 100,000 in most studies, although Japanese studies relieve oneself indicated a higher prevalence of 1600 per 100,000.2,3. in that respect are no genetic tests currently available for clinical use to make a ordained diagnosis of narcolepsy. Genetic testing may correlate best to narcolepsy when there is already clear cataplexy.4.Supporting the evidence for an environmental influence is the situation that the disease is not apparent at birth, but instead unremarkably has its onset during the second decade of life. Additionally, there are apparent precipitate factors such as head trauma, infection, and changes in sleep-waking habits that have been identified in some cases.6 Chronic, daytime sleepiness is a major, disabling symptom for umteen patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI), but thus far, its aetiology is not well understood. Extensive loss of the hypothalamic neurons that produce the wake-promoting neuropeptide hypocretin (orexin) causes the severe sleepiness of narcolepsy, and partial loss of these cells may contribute to the sleepiness of Parkinson disease and other disorders. One study has found that the number of hypocretin neurons is significantly reduced in patients with severe TBI. This observation highlights the often overlooked hypothalamic injury in TBI and provides new insights into the causes of chronic sleepiness in patients with TBI.7 Amphetamine usage has been associated with addiction, psychosis and self-injurious behaviour. There are reports on two patients who severely and repeatedly mutilated their own genitalia while intoxicated on amphetamines and consider possible symptomatic aetiologies.8 venereal mutilation is common in males compared to females.9 But narcolepsy presenting as self inflicted genital injury has not been reported so far. That is why this is a rare case.Case HistoryD3 A case of secondary narcolepsy was seen in a patient presenting as self-inflicted genital injury. A 30 year old Hindi speaking illiterate male was referred to Psychiatry from Surgery for a self-inflicted incised wound on hydrocele. After primary wound closure at surgic al side, patient was taken transfer to Psychiatry for expand opinion. When detailed history was obtained from patients elder brother and father, it was found that since last 1 year, he had multiple episodes of sudden falls while working at kitchen as he was a cook. He used to sleep during daytime often at unusual places like in the courtyard, once over the path and sometimes in bathroom. Patient also had periods of unresponsiveness during which he was aware but unable to move himself even on painful stimulation. During hospital stay, daytime somnolence, sleep paralysis and cataplexy were noted several times, but hallucinations were not consistently reported. Based on DSM-IV-TR Narcolepsy was diagnosed. Possible reasons for genital injury were 1. To remove fluid from swelling 2. Under sleep paralysis 3. Under Hypnogogic hallucinations. Patients EEG was normal. MRI brain showed Gliosis at cervico-medullary junction.MRI spine advised to examine the cervico-vertebral junction but pat ient was lost to follow-up. But from history and investigations, it was concluded that he had secondary narcolepsy due to traumatic brain injury raillery Narcolepsy is a condition characterized by excessive sleepiness, as well as auxiliary symptoms that award the intrusion of aspects of REM sleep into the wakingstate. The sleep attacks of narcolepsy represent episodes of irresistible sleepiness, leading to perhaps 10 to 20 proceeding of sleep, afterwardward which the patient feels refreshed, at least briefly. They can occur at unfitting times (e.g., while eating, talking, or driving and during sex). The REM sleep includes Hypnogogic and Hypnopompic hallucinations, cataplexy, and sleep paralysis. The appearance of REM sleep within 10 time of days of sleep onset (sleep-onset REM periods) is also considered evidence of narcolepsy. The disorder can be dangerous because it can lead to automobile and industrial accidents. otherwise symptoms include Hypnogogic or Hypnopompic hallucina tions, which are vivid perceptual experiences, either auditory or visual, occurring at sleep onset or on awakening. Patients are often momentarily frightened, but within a minute or two they return to an entirely normal frame of forefront and are aware that nothing was actually there. Here patient had symptoms of narcolepsy after head injury and patient himself injured his scrotum with sharp blade for which he had no clear memory and there was no history apocalyptic of epilepsy so diagnosis of secondary narcolepsy presenting as self-inflicted genital injury was considered.In this case, patient showed clinical features of narcolepsy as diagnosed by DSM- IV which was secondary type as there was history of multiple falls and MRI brain showed gliosis. But in this case, unusual presentation was genital self-inflicted injury.Possible reasons for genital injury areAutomatic behavior.Acting on Hypnogogic/Hypnopompic hallucinations.Due to damage cognitive function/ judgment due to long-st anding Narcolepsy.No cure exists for narcolepsy, but symptom management is possible. A fodder of forced naps at a regular time of day occasionally helps patients with narcolepsy and, in some cases, the regimen alone, without medication, can almost cure the condition. When medication is required, stimulants are most unremarkably used.10Although dose therapy is the treatment of choice, the overall therapeutic approach should include schedule naps, lifestyle adjustment, psychological counselling, drug holidays to reduce tolerance, and careful monitoring of drug refills, general health, and cardiac status.ReferencesD41. Narcolepsy Clinical features, co-morbidities treatment Jeremy Peacock Ruth M. Benca Indian J Med reticuloendothelial system 131, pp 338-349 20102. Longstreth WT, Jr., Koepsell TD, Ton TG, Hendrickson AF, van Belle G. The epidemiology of narcolepsy. Sleep 2007 30 13-26.3.Tashiro T, Kanbayashi T, Iijima S, Hishakawa Y. An epidemiologic study on prevalence of narcolep sy in Japanese. J Sleep Res 1992 (Suppl 1) 228.4. Bourgin P, Zeitzer JM, Mignot E. CSF hypocretin-1 assessment in sleep and neurological disorders. Lancet Neurol 2008 7 649-625. Krahn LE, Pankratz VS, Oliver L, Boeve BF et al, narcoleptic and schizophrenic hallucinations. Implications for differential diagnosis and pathophysiology. Eur J Health Econ. 2002 3 (Suppl 2) S94-8.6. Bourgin P, Zeitzer JM, Mignot E. CSF hypocretin-1 assessment in sleep and neurological disorders. Lancet Neurol 2008 7 649-62.7. Christian R. Baumann MD, Claudio L. Bassetti MD, Philipp O. Valko MD, Johannes Haybaeck MD,et al Loss of hypocretin (orexin) neurons with traumatic brain injury.8. Joshua A. Israel and Kewchang, Lee Article first print online Amphetamine usage and genital self-mutilation. 2002 DOI10.1046/j.1360-0443.2002.00230.x9. MartinT.GattazW.F, Psychiatric Aspects of Male Genital Self-Mutilation.Psychopathology 24170178,1991.10. synopsis of psychiatry 10th editionCase series of genital mutil ation The Journal of Urology150(4)1143-1146 1993.D11 Provide appropriate messages of about 35-50 words to be printed in centre boxD21 Please include why this case is unique. If it is rare, how rare, how many cases have been reported.D31 Include the tables/charts at appropriate places in the text it self. Do not include images in the text. Mark the engineer of insertion of images (e.g. Figure 1) along with the legends. Send the images separately as jpeg files (not large than 100 kb each)D41 Follow the punctuation marks carefully. Do not include unnecessary bibliographic elements such as issue number, calendar month of publication, etc. Include names of six authors followed by et al if there are more than six authors.
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